Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Science of Attraction.

Ever wondered why you're inexplicably drawn to someone? Beyond what someone looks like, what they say, and sometimes despite these things, you're attracted to a person in a way you can't quite understand.

If you've ever tried to explain an attraction by uttering the phrase "I don't know… there's just something about him/her" you might be operating under the influence of pheromones.

Basically, pheromones are a chemical or mixture of chemicals that animals secrete from their glands in order to convey messages to other members of the same species.

Pheromones can transmit messages of fear, anger, territorial boundaries, and yes… sex. They can actually make some animals stop dead in their tracks and be unable to move.

Our understanding of human pheromones is at a very early stage. Back in 1986, Dr. Winifred Cutler, a biologist and behavioral endocrinologist, co-discovered pheromones in the armpits of humans. Hmm… is the armpit-licking fetish starting to make sense?

Despite where we secrete pheromones from, they are odourless and undetectable by our five senses. This has led some people to believe that we actually possess a sixth sense that allows us to pick up on pheromone secretions.

"They don't work directly, but can modulate how we feel and influence our moods," says bio-psychologist Martha K. McClintock. "We're talking about things that can be sensed but not recognized or verbalized. It's all subliminal."

So perhaps we have something more tangible to talk about, rather than the 'chemistry' we all seek with a partner. Maybe we've just got to scratch and sniff around a little more in order to find that special someone.

In an article for, Dr. Deb Levine says, "If you're looking for the man or woman of your dreams, unsuspecting pheromones in your body scent are most likely playing a large and very clever role in mate attraction."

McClintock adds that "We know, for example, that different kinds of odours change people's moods. But this is different."

So, can we all stop showering and just let our pheromones send out the right message to the right person? Well… sure if you really want to, but before you do, you might want to know that while almost all scientists believe that we secrete pheromones, some believe that we lack the ability to sense them. Again, others say that we just haven't located the receptor area for pheromones. Geez… come on scientists! Stop getting hung up on empirical evidence and tell me if I should just strut around with my pits in the air next time I walk into a room full of women.

Of course, when it comes to convincing people there might be an easy way to find love or sex, we humans are very adept at hitting the right receptor cells. There's been a huge rush recently in the development and sales of pheromone perfumes. Noted scientist and (ahem) bioneurosextapeologist, Paris Hilton, has jumped on the pheromone bandwagon. One can only assume that this particular bandwagon is "hot."

You may also have come across some spam emails promising you pheromone-based sprays that will instantly attract lovers. While most of these examples are just snake-oil salespeople trying to make a buck with the latest Love Potion #9, again, the science community is split.

Dr. Deb Levine tells us that in a recent test of a pheromone called athena, 74 per cent of the people involved in the study had "an increase in hugging, kissing and sexual intercourse."

But Dr. Charles J. Wysocki, of the Monell Chemical Senses Center at the University of Pennsylvania says, "Since we don't know a lot about the science, there is always the opportunity for individuals to stake claims. Until we learn more, it's basically a discussion based on belief rather than data."

Sure but when it comes to sexual confidence, belief rules. The added poise you might feel when wearing a pheromone perfume could be just enough to take you off the sidelines and into the game…so, no harm no foul.

In the end, I wonder if it matters which scientific camp is right. Until they discover a pheromone that can make us fall in love, or control our minds, or make us work a full eight-hour day, or ensure that we're completely honest when it comes to filing our taxes, we're going to have to operate under the same rules as always and keep embracing the mystery that surrounds who attracts us and who doesn't.

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